Microblading: Results!

Good Morning, Beauties and welcome to another post. Today I wanted to share my experience getting my eyebrows microbladed. This will just be my initial thoughts on the process and results, with another post to follow once I’ve had my touch up and they have fully healed. Let’s get into it.

I had my appointment on Friday, June 22nd at the Lotus Institute with Chloe. I had organised a numbing cream prior to my appointment and applied it 30 minutes before. I was also advised to get an ointment to aid the healing process. Both of these were at my own cost. Chloe currently has a special running where the procedure is reduced to $350AUD (at this stage there isn’t an end date for the special) so it wasn’t an issue paying for the additional products, for me.

I was so excited leading up to Friday, I couldn’t wait to get them done and see the results. Waking up on Friday morning I was a bundle of nerves and started to have a bit of anxiety about the whole thing. I knew Chloe did great work, she was really informative and reassuring at my consultation and I was expecting it to be painful. But I still started to feel apprehensive.

Once my appointment started, Chloe began by talking me through the process, explaining colours and shapes and having a consent form signed. Once we had discussed everything and chosen a colour she started mapping out my brows. I had shown her photos of her own work that I really liked, I wanted them to look natural and full but not over the top. She told me that she prefers to work within someone’s natural shape as it looks much better once it’s all healed and even as it starts to fade down the track.

When my brows were completely mapped out and Chloe had filled them in with a pencil she asked me to take a look in the mirror and see if I liked the shape, size and length. I will admit, looking into that mirror I internally freaked out a little. They were SO bold. I sent a Snapchat to my sister asking what she thought and her response was NOPE. I laughed and explained to Chloe and she told me that was just the outline and shape, not the final result and they wouldn’t look anywhere near as hectic when she was done.

So then I lay down and Chloe got started. I won’t lie, it did hurt. It was unbearable and it didn’t last but it did cause my eyes to water. A lot. Which they do anyway whenever I’ve had any sort of lash procedure done so I wasn’t too concerned. Weirdly, some cuts made me sneeze and others didn’t. I found that the right side hurt more than my left, which Chloe said was a bit different as it’s usually the other way around for most people.

The actual procedure was over quite quickly, the majority of my appointment was the information and mapping out stage. In total my appointment was 2.5 hours and I’d say 45 mins to an hour was the procedure. Chloe was great during the entire thing, she put on some music that I liked and we talked about life in general. She was really good at putting me at ease without even trying. We checked the shape to see what I thought before she applied some final strokes and some ointment to protect them, then we were done.

My eyebrows and the surrounding area were a little tender as I was driving home, not with my face at rest, but if I moved it while I was talking (or doing car karaoke). That night though, they were sore. It felt a little bit like burning/irritation, which is to be expected, I mean I’d just had a blade sliced across my face multiple times. It wasn’t so unbearable I needed to take any pain relief and it also didn’t impede sleep. The next morning there was no pain whatsoever.

I will go more in depth in my final post about the following days, but for right now they’re super dark and a touch itchy. It isn’t driving me bonkers or anything, the colour is more thought provoking than the itching. And it will fade about 50% once they’re healed so I’m not worried.

I’m really REALLY happy with the final results. They look amazing and really natural. I’m so impressed with Chloe and the entire experience and I wouldn’t go anywhere else. I’m really looking forward to being able to forgo doing my brows each day, or leave the house and still have brows without makeup.

If it’s something you’ve been considering I would highly recommend it. Do your research and find someone you’re comfortable with. Troll through their work portfolio, whether it be on social media or otherwise. Be specific about what you do and do not want. Most importantly, only do it if YOU want to. Don’t let me, or anyone else in your life, tell you this is something that you need. I’ve wanted this for a long time and I feel amazing after getting it done. I did this for me. Like any sort of cosmetic procedure, it should make you feel good in the long run.

My touch up appointment is scheduled for mid-late July. I want to do an in depth post on the entire healing process from start to end so it probably won’t be ready until early August sometime. I’m really looking forward to writing it.

Until next time, Beauties xx


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